Unlooper Trunker


This new device is the evolution of the old unlooper Wildthing/Kypro. The
modification implemented and the exclusive box design makes this product simply

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SKU: 100343 Category:

Product Description

This new device is the evolution of the old unlooper Wildthing/Kypro.
modification implemented and the exclusive box design makes this product simply
Technical features:

  • 100% compatible with the Wildthing/Kypro. All the Dip Switches are
    following the original Wildthing settings.
  • Modification selectable. This modification make the Xilinx CPLD work at a
    settable speed. Normally this product works at 100Mhz. The user can Switch
    from normal usage to modified usage by setting a simple switch.
  • Xilinx programmable through J-Tag on Parallel Port. This feature is very
    interesting if you want to change simply program for first usage the Xilinx
    CPLD inside. To do this you can use the official software from Xilinx which is
    free to use and downloadable directly from their web site.
  • Smartmouse/Phoenix usage at 3,579/6,00Mhz.
  • J-Tag function. By simply opening the plastic box you will see the J-Tag

This unlooper has advanced features for expert users and

It holds inside an EEPROM (I2C-24LCXX) which is setting the
Smartmouse/Phoenix frequency (initially set on 3,579 and 6,00) and allows you to
use 2 different freqs. More you can adjust the Xilinx glitching frequency
initially set at 100Mhz to your preferred value. This makes Trunker essentially

This unlooper is 100% compatible with all the software version
previously made and in future developed for all the WildThing/Kypro existing
unloopers.We simply re-designed all the internals in order to make it working in
the easiest and fastest way.
We could make it working on USB
platform but at present nobody could assure the 100% compatibility with 3rd
party software. Using an USB unlooper could mean that you have not the 100%
compatibility with all the software around!!

More! No need for annoying
drivers or other stuff like that!

It comes in this

Phoenix/Smartmouse at 3,579-6,00 Mhz with blank Xilinx
set at 100Mhz (MOD).
The case has visual defects.

You simply need an external power supply, serial
cable and parallel cable.

All information will be available on www.duolabs.com